For the record I have not profited from the Healthcare Industry, nor have I taken any donations. During this new COVID-19 pandemic we have seen how scattershot the response has been from the Federal Level. That left states and counties to do their best to address the pandemic on a local level. This is one instance where I do not …
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From LB TAPS (09/03/20): “Vote for better parking when you vote for a City Council member in November! While some areas aren’t bad yet, City policies are rapidly making parking worse. It’s clear that solutions won’t happen unless our council members are willing to stand up to those at City Hall (like the Mayor) who have shown a strong determination …
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I just about got run over last night. I was crossing the sidewalk to the outdoor eating area “build-out” on Broadway. It was at dusk, and I understand the lighting was dim. As I stepped off the curb I had to look both ways and before I could look to the right, an e-scooter came down the bike lane going …
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People ask: What can we do to get the city to fix our parking? After 8 years of extensive effort, our answer is you can’t do much until we get some representatives in City Hall who are willing to consider solutions that include cars as well as transit, bikes, and increased density. The argument, “House people not cars” is a false choice. …
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I had a conversation with Chief Luna, who told me they still have monthly Police Advisory Committees (PACs) for each Division. This is entirely false. What we have today is a monthly spin session given by the Commanders or their Lieutenants to a silent audience of neighbors or interested parties. We are told what is going on, according to …
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This post is a response to an article in the Beachcomber by former Councilperson of Long Beach’s 5th District, Gerrie Schipske, titled “Can we Defund the LBPD?” found here. Always well thought out Gerrie Schipske. I do humbly have to disagree on the final conclusion. The logic is, if we disband the Police Department we would still be obligated to …
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This is my response to a good neighbor concerned about our “bashing” of the LBPD. I understand her concern. With great respect, I have always supported our good police officers. I have served alongside them as president of the South and the East Police Advisory Committees and as a liaison for most of the neighborhoods of the 2nd District. My …
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – June 8, 2020: Talk is cheap. This last Saturday, Cindy Allen for City Council sent out a blast email to her supporters entitled “The Death of George Floyd Exposes Failures of Police Reform and the Systemic Racial Inequality in our Country”. In that email she stated, “I am calling on police officers across the country to …
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Here we are folks: Undeniable, irrefutable proof of where we are in this economy. I have been stating for some while now that we will be heading into a deep depression. I am not trying to scare anyone but being prepared and knowing what is coming will give us the ability to change course, make new decisions and create a …
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Out of respect and concern for priorities, we put our campaign on hold as our fellow residents responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many have lost their jobs, some may lose their businesses, and to those who have lost loved ones, I mourn with you. Three weeks ago I was shocked to learn that a dear friend of mine, Garry Bowie, lost his …
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