Here is a list of Serious Solutions for the most pressing problems we face in Long Beach:
Police Reform
- Shut Down the Police Officer’s Association’s money machine
- Reaffirm the powers of the Citizen’s Police Complaint Commission as described in the City Charter
- Propose a ballot measure to demand that CPCC reports directly the City Council and the people NOT the City Manager or the Mayor
- Enforce misconduct statutes in our Police code of conduct
- Begin a Nationwide Search for new upper management for the LBPD
- End the LBPD Overtime Scam and Reallocate 30% of the Police Budget
- Restore Community Policing
- Reduce Parking citation fines to 2016 levels
- Build Parking Structures on major corridors
- Create Diagonal Parking in neighborhoods
- Designate Preferential/Permit Parking zones for residents.
- Work with local businesses to rent out Parking Spaces overnight
- Hire a City Parking Manager to co-ordinate a parking plan
City Hall Reform
- Reduce Salaries of City Hall employees earning over $100k annually by 25%
- Let go redundancy of middle management
- Audit City Hall, and publish the findings to the public
- Limit and Regulate Independent Expenditure account campaign spending
- Prevent the use of funds in office-holder accounts for election campaign purposes
- Overturn Measure BBB and restore 2-term limits to City Council
- Re-establish Community-Inclusive Government by invigorating Neighborhood Associations and Community Outreach programs
Affordable Housing
- Pass The COVID-19 Rent Forgiveness and Housing Security Act
- Set aside at least $20 million per year in the budget for government-constructed affordable housing
- Close Inclusionary Housing loopholes for multi-billion dollar development companies
- Protect low and moderate income tenants from developer gentrification and predatory Land Use Plans
- Deprioritize the construction of unaffordable luxury condos
- Build duplexes, container homes and tiny homes to encourage affordable home ownership
- Increase the number of beds in our Homeless Service Centers to match our Homeless Count
- Provide opportunities to move Homeless People into transitional and co-op housing
- Hire Social Workers and Mental Health Care Providers to ensure Homeless People have a continuum of care
- Open the Multi-Service Center on 12th Ave 24 hours a day and 7 days a week
- Develop Downtown Triage Center with a bus that goes twice a day to the Multi-Service Center
Small Business Development
- Reduce business license fees and health inspection fees to compete with adjacent cities
- Reduce the sales tax
- Reduce the length of the business license process to no more than two weeks
- Hire a Business Ombudsman to help new business owners to navigate the process
- Establish Business Development wing of the Development Department specifically to attract, nourish and sustain a small business
- Redesign Broadway Corridor to restore parking, stimulate traffic, and reinvigorate our businesses
- Take away median strips from Public Works and give back to Parks and Rec to keep the trees alive
- Establish a historic tree registry for any tree over 75 years old
- Hire an Arborist and Urban Forester to manage trees instead of cutting them down
- Build Community Gardens and Parks in Communities of Color and Create a free mulch and organic soil distribution center
- Cover the sulfur piles in the Los Angeles Port and protect Long Beach residents from air pollutants.
- Buy and distribute Green Organic Waste Bins
- Halt unnecessary infrastructure improvements such as: Belmont Pool, Beach Snack Shack, Astroturfing of El Dorado Park, Studebaker Road Diet, etc.
- Designate office-holder account funds for neighborhood infrastructure improvements only, as they were originally intended