Let’s count the ways…
1. She has lied about her business dealings (beachcomber.news/content/anatomy-campaign-fraud-long-beach)
2. She refuses to hand over her (homeowners deduction) tax returns (to prove she didn’t commit voter fraud) (lbpost.com/news/resident-group-alleges-council-candidate-committed-voter-registration-fraud)
3. She viciously lies about her opponent constantly, like a belligerent bully. Not even good lies, just a lot of made up nonsense, just like you know who would do (longbeach4d.blogspot.com/2020/02/cindy-allen-campaignfalsehoods-and.html)
4. She’s a REPUBLICAN (until just lately to run for office) (foxforcouncil.com/gop-cindy-2/)
5. She thinks she can SHOOT SOMEONE and not lose one supporter (longbeach4d.blogspot.com/2020/09/cindy-allens-shooting-of-unarmed-man-is.html)
…and 6. she’ll be mailing in her ballot (from Fountain Valley) (gazettes.com/news/business/long-beach-council-candidate-cindy-allen-fights-allegations-of-non-residency-business-conflicts/article_c8b35828-58b9-11ea-b424-e7b5fe0f8d01.html)